* ORNELLA VOLTA, the great Satie researcher, died on Sunday, August 16, 20 at the age of 93 in Paris !
To remember her > the interview in the official > video on the 150th birthday of Satie 2016 in the city of Arcueil
ERIK SATIE, French composer (1866-1925), was long ridiculed as a marginal figure in music history. His music is now receiving more and more attention: as a forerunner of various "...isms", as a "template" for countless (jazz) arrangements, as background music for advertising and meditation. He himself saw himself more as an inspiration than as a "great master", was sometimes a harsh critic and provocateur - but he always wanted to "entertain"! ... Satie did not like schools, always wanted to start from zero, as Ornella Volta, who founded the "Fondation Erik Satie" in Paris in 1981, says in the latest film * about him. - Satie about himself: "All the years I was young people said to me: 'You will see when you are 50.' I am 50. I haven't seen anything.” (1920) ... ... Few people know Satie as the author of lovingly designed scores, strange graphics and texts, or know anything about his commitment, for example, to the children of his neighborhood, the Paris suburb of Arcueil. ... ...
That is why we invite you to a PROMENADE through the diverse LIFE and WORK of Erik Satie !

..........S A T I E - P R O J E C T S :
............projects, own & other
...........concerts, documentations
..........2015 (90th anniversary of death) ,
..........2016 (150th birthday)

..........O W N . F I L M S :
........... experimental.

..........B I O G R A P H Y :
...........working methods
.........S A T I E  C O N T E M P O R A R I E S :

..........S A T I E - R E C E P T I O N :
..........Satie was largely ignored by musicologists ..........until the 1980s - only the research of ..........Ornella Volta, Robert Orledge, S.M.Whiting, ..........Grete Wehmeyer and others changed the ..........image of Satie.

.... L I N K S  :
.......Satie websites

..........W O R K S :
............list, writings, graphics
...........> Le Fils des Étoiles
...........>Sports et.Divertissements
...........> Parade
...........> Entr'acte
update Juliy 2024

... details, track lists etc.,
....also more films
... see my youtube channel > sankofahamburg