ERIK SATIE - interesting Links :

A symposium on the Albert-Schweitzer-2015, entitled "The Value of Music" includes lectures (including Prof.Dr.Eva-Maria Houben, Prof.Dr.Ludwig Striegel, Musikhochschule Mainz, Prof.Dr.Jean-Pierre Armengaud ), discussion and concerts with organ and piano music of Erik Satie, among others. 10/24/15: Foundation of "ERIK SATIE Society - International Association", Königsfeld / Schwarzwald Website>>

Satie-site (? French author, since 2010?) with many rare documents (including movies) and more useful links:

Satie-Homepage (engl.) -founded 1996 by Niclas Fogwall, pianist/Sweden
supported by Ornella Volta (Satie-Fondation-Paris) and Robert Orledge
(Univ. Cambridge) et al. - most comprehensive collection of scientific
articles and information with a lot of music, documents, links: > here

Minnesota Public Radio (engl., 2005) with many good lyrics, music, quotes, pictures, and (sometimes obsolete) links:

Teatro Miela in Triest celebrates every year since 1992, Satie's birthday (Mai 17):

Hamburg site at Erik Satie's 140th birthday (May 17, 2006), invited to join in on a CD - Satie's texts and sounds are provided

UbuWeb (Sound): engl.Website "for all kinds of avant-garde" mit Satie-
sites with music and text (1997):

Satie at WIKIPEDIA (engl.): interesting individual aspects,prejudices etc>

Padeluun, artist and network activist , with his Art d'Ameublement
project (since 1984):

"Klangbeutel" (engl.Version: Soundbag): Internet project say in the sense Satie's-here are offered by Rolf Langebartels (Berlin) exciting music /sound downloads (including 2 Satie), several authors:

Youtube : many many movies with music by Satie, live recordings (also
historical recordings) - for free:

Lastfm-Radio : many many movies with music by Satie, concert recordings
(including historical rec.)- also by relatives such as Debussy, Strawinsky, Arvo Paert, John Cage...) - for free:

Satie-recordings/-movies (engl.):
very useful list of titles of works (incl. compilations and soundtracks) from 1937 (!) until 2010:

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SATIE-movies, performances above all at YOUTUBE:
-some of about 7000 movies under "Erik Satie" (April 11),
222.000 (November 2015)

the film
"Erik Satie L'Indispensable" (15 Min./ French), 2016 - commissioned by the city of Arcueil (Satie lived here the last 27 years) and Salabert-Eschig edition for the 150th birthday of E. S. was made on YouTube. It contains a long interview with Ornella Volta, founder of the Fondation Erik Satie in Paris! (Our German translation is to be found in the comments section of the YouTube film) > here

„Satie's fictions – Walking with Erik Satie“: Satie's world played in episodes with contemporary witnesses and interviews with Satie experts." (for example Jean Cocteau, Robert Orledge, Ornella Volta, Jean-Pierre Armengaud) >here

BBC- Dokumentation "Erik Satie: Things Seen to the Right and the Left", 1992 (74 min.), mit Interviews von Zeitzeugen wie Mr.Veyssière, Mm Milhaud u.a.>

Entr'acte -experimental film by Picabia and Rene Clair
with music by Erik Satie (18 min.), 1924:

Vexations (1893), John Cale plays the piano composition
live in the US-TV show "I've Got a Secret" 1963 -

but not, as required by Satie 840mal
(that he did shortly before, with John Cage and other),
but 10 min. long including variations:

ALDO CICCOLINI dies at the age of 89 years in Paris. Since the sixties he has introduced the "rediscovery" of Erik Satie's piano works with his complete recording. Here he can be heard at the Festival "le Roque d'Antheron" 2010 with "Gymnopedie no.1" > here

Parade (1917), The Freakclown / SpazioTeatro Miland,

Socrate (1919) Performance with the mobile setting
of A.Calder /Orchestra-Orchestra of Our Time,Conduc-
torJ.Thome, P.Sperry (Ten.), Milagro Vargas(Sopr.)/
Lincoln Center New York, 1996

Vexations (1893) Armin Fuchs (piano) plays this com-
position 840 times : a 28-hours non-stop-
performance, Doku & Interview / Dresden 2000 :

Satie de Paris, Music Show von BC Living Arts(engl.),
Ltg. Alan Corbishley / British Columbia 2007:

Satie et la Belle Excentrique - Spectacle musical en forme
de Poire / Compagnie Musique à Voir, Mereville b. Paris, 2009:

White Dinner after Erik Satie - Conzept Art Clay-
iduring the festival "NAHRUNG" by Rote Fabrik /
Shedhalle Zurich, 2010:

Le Fils des Etoiles (1891) (Music for the stage play
by Sar Peladan)- Piano version (Alexei Lubimov, piano)
with film proj.+Dance / Forum Neue Musik-Hamburg,2010:

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"The Artist is really just a dreamer; the critic, on the other hand, has a sense of reality, especially his own. An artist can be imitated; the critic is inimitable, and priceless. How could anyone imitate a critic, I wonder? Besides, it would be of little interest, very little." (1921, Writings, p.86)

...........FILMs :
..................- 46 experiments à 59 sec.
..................- dokumentations
..................- YouTube-channel

...........BIOGRAPHY :
..................- circumstances
..................- companions
..................- working methods
.. ........... .. - letters
.. .............. - memories

..........ART for Satie

..........POSTER SITE

..... unsere Satie-Projekte:
..... 2010 : "Le Fils des Etoiles"
..... 2012 : "Sports et Divertissements"+"Socrate"
..... .2015 : "Serenade for Satie"
..... ► 2016 : SATIE-FESTIVAL Hamburg
..... ► planned : 30 years Satie at Hamburg in 2019
ERIK SATIE - Literature
- sorted by release date :

Thomas Bächli: Ich heisse Erik Satie wie alle anderen auch (mit Musikbeispielen im Internet)- Berlin, 2016

Caroline Potter, Erik Satie - A Parisian composer and his world, Woodbridge, 2016

Marco Seidel: Satie-Rezeption
(z.B. Einfluss auf Rock-,Pop-,Ambient-Music)
e-book download unter, 2005)

Martin Fuchs: Erik Satie- Saties Relevanz steht ueberhaupt nicht zur Diskussion - sehr informativer Internet-Beitrag -2002

Erik Satie - Correspondance presque complète
(Französ.Ausg.), Hrsg.Ornella Volta, Fayard, 2000

Steven Moore Whiting: Satie The Bohemian, From Cabaret to Concert Hall (engl.)- Oxford 1999

Ornella Volta: La banlieue d'Erik Satie- Macadam, Arcueil, 1999

Grete Wehmeyer : "Erik Satie" - Rowohlt-Monographie, Reinbeck b.Hamburg 1998

Ludwig Striegel, Schlaffe Präludien und verdorrte Embryos - Klavierspielen mit Erik Satie, Fernwald 1997/2002

Ornella Volta: Erik Satie Le compositeur et ses masques) Fotobuch (frz.), Hazan, Paris 1997

Ludwig Striegel, Satierik Paedagogus?- Die Bedeutung erik Saties für die Musikpädagogik, , Augsburg 1996

Erik Satie - Del Chat Noir a DADA (span. Ausstellungs-Katalog, IVAM Centre Gonzalez, Valencia 1996)

Ornella Volta: A Mammal's Notebook
- Collected Writings of Erik Satie, London 1996

Robert Orledge: Satie Remembered
London 1995

Ornella Volta: Satie/Cocteau - Verständigung in Missverständnissen, Wolke Verlag, Hofheim, 1994

Nancy Perloff: Art and the everyday - Popular entertainment and the circle of Erik Satie
- Oxford, 1991

Erik Satie - Briefe I (bis 1913) , Hrsg.O.Volta, Wolke Verlag 1991

Robert Orledge: Satie the composer (engl.) Cambridge Univ. 1990/2008

Alan M. Gillmor: Erik Satie (engl.), New York 1988

Erik Satie - Schriften , Hrsg. Ornella Volta, Wolke Verlag, Hofheim 1988

Ornella Volta: Satierik Erik Satie, Rogner & Bernhard Verlag, München 1984

"Erik Satie" - Musikkonzepte, Hrsg. Metzger/Riehn
München 1980

James Harding: Erik Satie (engl.), London 1975

Grete Wehmeyer : "Erik Satie"- Bosse Verlag, Kassel 1974/1997

Vladimir Jankélévitch: Satie und der Morgen - (erstmals 1957 in "Nocturne", Verlag Albin Michel - 2015 in dt.Übersetzg bei Matthes & Seitz, Berlin

Roger Shattuck: Belle Epoque - Piper Verlag München 1955

Pierre-Daniel Templier: Erik Satie - Paris, 1932

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