..........S A T I E - P R O J E CTS :
..........Projects, own & of others
..........concerts, documentations
..........2 0 1 6 = 150th birthday.
.+ Calendar from 2010

..........O w n.. F I L M S :

..........B I O G R A P H Y :
..........working methods
.........S A T I E and his  E P O C H  :

..........S A T I E - R E C E P T I O N :
..........Satie was largely ignored by musicology
..........until the 1980er.
...........- Only the research of Ornella Volta
..........Robert Orledge, Grete Wehmeyer a.o.
......... led to a change in the Satie image.

...... L I N K S  :
..........to Satie websites,
..........usefull links &

..........W O R K S :
..........list of works. writings, graphics
..........> Le Fils des Étoiles
.........> Sports et.Divertissements
.........> Parade
..........> Socrate
.........> Entr'acte
..........> a.o.